Long-distance runners have been known to wear compression socks for marathons or long trail runs. Using compression socks after working out increases the tissue oxygen recovery rate and has been shown to reduce muscle soreness. INCREASE BLOOD CIRCULATION DURING AND AFTER RUNNING: Poorly fitting socks results in poor circulation while running. They also help reduce fungal itchiness and bacterial infections. INCREASE RECOVERY FROM AN INJURY: Compression socks are essential when you want to heal injured feet and legs keeping them germ-free so that you recover quickly from an injury. So, compression socks prevent varicose veins. By wearing compression socks, their is an improvement circulation and reduction of pooing. That’s because standing and walking upright increases the pressure in the veins of your lower body. Any superficial vein may become varicosed, but the veins most commonly affected are those in your legs. PROTECTS AGAINST VARICOSE VEINS: Varicose veins are twisted, enlarged veins. Compression socks reduce the buildup of lactic acid and increase oxygenation in your muscles. Standing isn’t much better! Being on your feet puts a greater strain on the circulatory system and on the legs and feet, which can cause fatigue and varicose veins. Sitting for long periods can cause blood flow below the knees to decrease, significantly increasing the chance of blood clots and reducing the amount of freshly oxygenated blood to reach your legs. PREVENTS SORENESS: Compression socks increase blood circulation in your legs and feet, which reduce soreness. Compression socks are prefect for athlete proformance and training. REDUCES PAIN AND SWELLING: You can soothe your aching feet, relieve pain, and reduce inflamation.

Reviewing the Benefits of Compression Socks Compression socks also prevent varicose veins. The increaed blood flow provided by the compression provided, prevent swelling and reduce foot odors the come with poor circulation. Put on compression socks when you are tired and need relief. They can also lower your chances of getting deep vein throbosis (DVT), a kind of blood clot, and other circulation problems. Compression socks can be worn by people from all walks of life - from athletes to expectant mothers to people who sit or stand for long periods at work, like nurses and retail workers. Compression socks are a proactive way to maintain healthy circulation, reduce discomfort and help prevent vein disease.