You need to create a Users\Active container at the root of your tree before you start the driver. Enter a Data Source Name and select the directory where the CSV file.
Specifies that a new user is placed in the Users or Active container and named with the CN created by the Input Transform rule. Under the User DSN tab, click Add and then select Microsoft Text Driver (.txt. If there is a match, only changed attributes are updated in the Identity Vault. Specifies that a user in an Identity Vault is the same user specified in the input file when the value of Internet Email Address is the same in both places. The user CN is formed by concatenating the values of first name and last name. Users interested in Print to csv file driver generally download: FlexCell Grid Control Designer 6.0 FlexCell is a flexible and easy to use grid control, it provides comprehensive functions,such as export to Excel/CSV/HTML/PDF/XML. Specifies that in order for a User to be created in an Identity Vault, the Given Name and Internet EMail Address attributes must be defined. It transforms the XDS document into CSV format and submits it to the driver shim. The CSV ODBC Driver is a powerful tool that allows you to connect with live flat-file delimited data (CSV/TSV files), directly from any applications that. Specifies that a comma is used as the delimiter character for output files and that the file format is comma-separated value (CSV) format. If the document is a delimited text file, each record is transformed into an XDS Add element for User objects with attributes defined by the schema map.Īssociations are defined by the value of user's e-mail attribute. If the input document is an XML document, no transformations are made. The application attributes correspond to the sequence of values in the file or, if present, to the attributes associated with unnamed XDS elements.

Maps Identity Vault User properties to application attributes as follows: